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Brothers ’sad night mine.’

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Brothers (sad night mine)

You forgive if the voice trembles me
in to tell you what I tell you
if I hardly succeed in finding the words
what they allow me to go on
and you excuse if I don't leave you a best world
as I would have liked that was
as you would like that it was.
Believe me
few things in the great sketch of the life
the men are left to
despite the good wish that I have put you
in to assure you one some coherence
what not always the things
they succeed as we would like
or perhaps as you would like that it was.
For this and so much other anchor
not ever felt you alone neither abandoned
even if you will have to labor for conquering a place
in this unknown world
in which today goings penetrating
what other is not given.
Even if in to face
with work and superhuman appointment
you will finally have to fight
to get that that only yours “liberty”
and the justice you can give.
Neither the love can make limit
in the mutual respect to make to be worth other people's reasons
side beside how much with affection they reciprocate
also for this I make you gift of truthful promise
what it doesn't know limit or expiration
what it doesn't know age.
And still more the voice trembles me in to tell you
what in the good and in the evil this life we have to live it
until after all
without asking nothing
or perhaps to pretend everything
to live is that it right of each
as I would have liked that was
or perhaps as you would like that it was.
. . .
And the voice already comes me less in to tell you what I tell you:
"bitter a great deal it is the truth, as much as it is beautiful way of living the life! "
what some silence is already satisfied the word. - 01/05/2014 18:50:00 [ leggi altri commenti di » ]

E’ solo la versione inglese di ’Hermanos/Fratelli’ che puoi trovare sul sito. Grazie.

 Lorenzo Mullon - 30/04/2014 18:57:00 [ leggi altri commenti di Lorenzo Mullon » ]

difficilotta da anderstandere, qualche passaggio oscuro, è di notte ....

Leggi l'informativa riguardo al trattamento dei dati personali
(D. Lgs. 30 giugno 2003 n. 196 e succ. mod.) »
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